Fitly Spoken Voiceovers ℠




Solomon said in the book of Proverbs, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” The right voice will complement your voiceover project in the same way that the right setting will enhance the beauty of fine jewelry.


Before starting Fitly Spoken Voiceovers, I studied radio and television in college. For many years I worked on the air as both an afternoon drive and morning drive host in local radio.


Projects I can voice for your company include the following:


  • On-hold phone messages

  • Industrial narration

  • Corporate narration

  • Local radio commercials

  • Local TV commercials


Check out my demo on the home page. I would be pleased to talk with you to see if my voice is a fit for your next project.


Jeff Gainous

Fitly Spoken Voiceovers